SCHOOL YEAR 2024 - 2025
[email protected]TEACHER: Gertrude Annan
CLASS:Special Education
COURSES: 6/7/8th grade LIT SUCCESS
PERIODS: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
LIT SUCCESS: iReady lessons, IXL learning, Language, supplementary materials
SEL: District resources, digital websites/apps
Other resources/tools: Flocabulary, BrainPOP, Nearpod, Discovery Education, District resources
Chromebook or another device, Schoology, zoom
Lit Success instruction involves whole group, small group and independent
practice. In-class notebook and online work will be assigned daily.
The SPED class prepares students through explicit, simplified and repeated instruction,
scaffolds, visuals, intensive intervention, and foundational skills (sounds, phonemic awareness,
spelling, fluency, prosody, comprehension, sentence structure, grammar, and mechanics) to:
1) Meet or improve in English literacy, ELPAC, and SBA grade standards in the areas of
reading, writing, language, speaking, listening, and vocabulary development.
2) Work toward ELA standards by closely analyzing informational and literary texts from different
genres, time periods, authors, events, topics, ideas for their craft and structure.
3) Assist students in reaching their yearly IEP academic, social/behavioral, and transitional
goals and objectives.
4) Support students socially and emotionally as they navigate through their past, present and
future experiences.
5) Prepare, instruct, engage, and support students in-person and via a variety of online
platforms and digital resources to extend their learning with real-world applications (STEAM)
Students will be graded on class work, quizzes, tests, homework, discussions and participation.
Assignments will be posted in class and in Schoology under Materials.
Assignments must be completed by the student by the due date.
PARTICIPATION: involves attendance, class participation, and group work
A student’s grade at the end of each quarter will be a composite score of points from the areas
listed above. Also, sentence structure and neatness count!
Points are cumulative from the beginning of the semester.
A= 85 - 100%
B= 70 - 84%
C= 55 - 69%
D= 40 - 54%
F= Below 40
E Excellent (Completed all assignments well)
S Satisfactory (Completed some)
U Unsatisfactory (none or very little)
E Excellent
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
1) Be kind, be safe, and be secure
2) Use technology responsibly
3) Maintain positive online relationships
4) Use technology with integrity, avoiding plagiarism and cheating.