School Experience Survey
It's time to share your thoughts! Please complete the School Experience Survey. If your child shows their teacher or Mrs. Davis proof that it was completed, they will receive a rubber ducky!
Minimum Day/No School
SBA-Bootcamp for ELA and Math
Students: Do you want to Meet or Exceed Standard for SBA? Join us for a boot camp after school to help boost your score!
Cell Phone Free, Effective Monday, March 3
Monday, March 3, 2025, we officially launch the No Cell Phone Policy program! Students will secure their smartphones, smartwatches, and AirPods in their Yondr pouches. Please remind your child to shut off their phone before pouching it. Thank you for supporting this important step in creating a better learning environment. ¡Marzo 3, 2025, es el dia! Este es el asistente director Joel A. Escobar de Griffith con nuestro mensaje semanal ¡El lunes, 3 de marzo lanzamos oficialmente el programa de No Cell Phone Policy! Los estudiantes guardarán sus teléfonos inteligentes, relojes inteligentes y AirPods en sus fundas Yondr. Por favor, recuerde a su hijo(a) de apagar su teléfono antes de guardarlo. Gracias por apoyar este paso importante para crear un mejor ambiente de aprendizaje.
Purchase your panoramic picture today!
8th grade families: Your panoramic picture is now available to purchase! Click the link today.